How To Avoid Legal Fee Nightmare And Extreme Costs.
Feb 25, 2019We recently referred to the U.S. Supreme Court unanimous decision requiring schools to provide an education that is appropriately ambitious. Most Federal Court decisions maintain that measurement is required to demonstrate progress. In other words, education is now legally accountable to students progress.
So, what is the cost of not providing an appropriately ambitious and measurable education? They are many and very costly.
The first and most profound impact is the loss of potential in a child’s life....A child/student who does not receive the FAPE (Free and Appropriate Education) as required by law is harmed. Their family is harmed. Their community is harmed and, in the end, society as a whole is harmed, if a school does not meet its legal and moral obligation. How can an education be appropriate or ambitious if there is no measure of the outcome?
What is the value of a child’s lost potential? That answer differs, depending on your observation position. If the child (student) is yours – the value is beyond a mere number. If you are a teacher, the value directly relates to your perspective as a guide to the future. If you are a district and/or administrator, the value may be the ‘cost’ both in terms of legal exposure, settlement costs, legal fees and precedent for other students and families to follow with similar litigation.
So what is the path to success for all?
The RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) credential is the solution. For an education to be “appropriate” it must be measurable. RBT training gives staff the skill to create those measures. In court cases, the Federal government held consistently that Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of very few methods that provide reliable, consistent results. The RBT is a credential, (when used as indicated by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board) and provides multiple benefits to meet the test of measuring outcomes including:
• Production of data and graphic representation of progress
• Educational staff able to demonstrate best practices in ABA
• RBTs support teachers in the classroom, or parents use in the home to achieve and maintain functional gains and progress
• An inexpensive way to introduce expertise and to reduce liability
• Better outcomes through the application of scientifically validated methods
• A path for parents and educators to deal with severe problem behavior in a consistent method across settings
• Meets the mandate of “appropriate” education when applied.
The RBT is the perfect training for quality improvement, liability reduction and overall improved outcomes for educators, administrators, parents and clinicians. Call us at (732) 254-0300; or visit us at www.onlinerbttraining.com to access your training. Available in modules, or as a single 40-hour unit, we have pricing plans to accommodate any budget.
The RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) credential is the solution. For an education to be “appropriate” it must be measurable. RBT training gives staff the skill to create those measures. In court cases, the Federal government held consistently that Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of very few methods that provide reliable, consistent results. The RBT is a credential, (when used as indicated by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board) and provides multiple benefits to meet the test of measuring outcomes including:
• Production of data and graphic representation of progress
• Educational staff able to demonstrate best practices in ABA
• RBTs support teachers in the classroom, or parents use in the home to achieve and maintain functional gains and progress
• An inexpensive way to introduce expertise and to reduce liability
• Better outcomes through the application of scientifically validated methods
• A path for parents and educators to deal with severe problem behavior in a consistent method across settings
• Meets the mandate of “appropriate” education when applied.
The RBT is the perfect training for quality improvement, liability reduction and overall improved outcomes for educators, administrators, parents and clinicians. Call us at (732) 254-0300; or visit us at www.onlinerbttraining.com to access your training. Available in modules, or as a single 40-hour unit, we have pricing plans to accommodate any budget.