Online Proctored Testing Now Available for RBT Candidates
Apr 15, 2020This just in from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board...
Re: RBT Exam during COVID-19 Pandemic
"Effective April 15, 2020, live, online proctored testing is available for all RBT candidates via Pearson VUE’s online delivery system, OnVUE. This option, which the BACB is offering to RBTs on a trial basis following approval from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), is available while Pearson VUE’s in-person testing facilities are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With advanced features that include ID verification, session monitoring, browser lockdown, and recordings, the OnVUE platform includes security features that are necessary for a trial of remote testing for RBT candidates during this challenging and unusual time. RBT candidates should note the following important information:
• Once a candidate’s application for certification is approved, they will receive a link to schedule their remote, proctored certification examination with Pearson VUE per the usual examination scheduling process.
• The BACB and PearsonVUE will temporarily accept expired, government-issued IDs—candidates must have government-issued identification in order to sit for the RBT certification examination—through May 31, 2020. Both the BACB and PearsonVUE recognize the current inability to renew government-issued IDs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and anticipate requiring non-expired government-issued IDs once again beginning June 1, 2020.
• Candidates who request accommodations for the RBT certification examination will need to wait until Pearson VUE reopens its physical testing centers; the OnVUE platform is unable to provide candidates with testing accommodations other than adjustable font and color contrast.
• Pearson VUE strongly recommends using a high-speed internet connection for online testing, and encourages candidates to test during less popular wireless access times. Bandwidth issues greatly affect the delivery of online testing, and such issues are beyond Pearson VUE’s—and the BACB’s—control.
The BACB’s decision to offer remote proctored testing for RBT candidates follows the NCCA’s announcement on March 20, 2020 that it will allow the use of remote-proctor testing delivery on a limited basis for organizations with accredited programs such as the BACB. The NCCA’s announcement was in response to an urgent need for credentialing programs to make testing available following the closure of many testing centers worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information about this announcement and other BACB updates, listen to the Inside the BACB podcast or visit our COVID-19 Updates page. "