Budget now to get back skills lost during the pandemic.
Jan 24, 2022In order to recover teaching skills lost during the pandemic administrators must budget appropriately.
Shortly, schools across the USA will submit budgets to their local boards of education.
WILL YOUR TRAINING BUDGET account for training required to regain skills that two years of pandemic took away from your teachers and instructional staff?
Let’s face facts. Education in the US suffered tremendously these past two years. Teachers and students alike lost their edge after nearly 2 straight years of lockdowns, facemasks and the tremendous amount of media pressure brought to bear on keeping staff and kids away from school.
In the end, how can any professional trained to form young minds be expected to maintain skills when they’ve not had a chance to interact face to face with their students? Your staff needs your help to bring them back to peak efficiency.
Problem behavior is often noted as the main reason new teachers decide to leave the professional space of teaching and opt for other professions. There is a solution. There is a science of human behavior, around since 1968. It is called Applied Behavior Analysis or simply ABA. There are many different specialty techniques developed from the science over the years. The key thing about ABA is that it is a science. In layman terms, it is a method of shaping behavior based on published research that is reviewed by peers for its accuracy and applicability. It is not a fad and it is not guesswork.
For the first time in more than 50 years, the basic skills of ABA are taught in a systematic method that can improve “instructional control” for your classroom staff.
Over the years our online Registered Behavior Technician (RBT®) course has grown dramatically popular with people wanting to enhance their skills. Tens of thousands of successful clients find the skills they obtain through the RBT® course help them in their professional lives. The RBT® is a trademark of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
Click the following link to request more about our course and how this online, competency-based learning can help you and your staff as well as your students make up for lost time. [email protected]