How To Find The Time To Train Special Ed Staff
Over the past few months, we've heard the feedback loud and clear. School administrators love the RBT training and at the same time have a hard time fitting in the staff training hours that are required to complete the course. So, we've come up with a few ideas that we hope are helpful.
Over the next few weeks, as school districts wind down the days towards the end of the semester, we've helped many districts plan for ways to maximize the time that is often lost productivity by integrating the RBT training into coverage hours. In more non-educational administrative language, when you find yourself with teachers aides and paras who are working full days, but the kids are dismissed early - why not use those hours and convert them into useful, skill development time?
Another idea that is popular among some clients representing school districts where union requirements have summer session running a reduced schedule, is to purchase the RBT licenses you might want for the school and when you register - ask that the activation date be coordinated to coincide with the Extended School Year (ESY) Program. As many districts use a purchase order system, if you start now; it's more likely that the business office will cut a check before you need it for the ESY session.
For less than half the cost of an average college textbook, you can obtain 40 hours of online evidence-based instruction for your staff. They progress through modules that are competency based. At the end of the course, the learner may request a certificate of course completion. As a supervisor, you can rest assured that we check each lesson to ensure your learner was sufficiently attentive to the coursework. This documentation is useful both for HR and staff development purposes.
Finally, we want to recommend that you sample our "RBT Exam Prep" module if you are interested in asking your staff to take the exam for the RBT.
We can be reached at [email protected] or call (732) 254-0300.
We look forward to hearing from you.